Tuesday 27 May 2008

The learning kitchen

Some things just throw up the belief in your own skills and ability - the simple act of making bread is one. Same weight, same flour, some timings ... with different results.

This was what happened when the D Goddess thought to inspire a friend, by getting into the kneading and dough-throwing on another kitchen table one Saturday afternoon.

The idea was to go for a throwback, ever-popular, practically fail-proof loaf like the Gruyuere and Cumin Cheese Bread that should prove a winner and be a confidence booster, plus the basic but ever-hard to master Baguette.

But in a new kitchen, with different oven behaviours, different temperature and humidity settings, what popped out of the oven was somewhat different. The baguettes were nicely-shaped, albeit rock-hard, the Cheese and Cumin bread suffered from a forgotten dose of Cumin (but tasted well enough) ... and it was a lesson in humility for all.

Dough reigns. Respect it. :D

The new and the old

This is a first attempt from a new anniversary-gift book, Bread (left). Dough and Crust continue to offer up many challenges, surprises and yummy breads, but sometimes, the new and un-tested calls out loud.

This is an old recipe, Victorian Milk Bread (right), that probably came the closest to everyday sliced bread back then.

This first shot following a new master, was a delight. Soft, fluffy-light and almost creamy, why ever succumb to commercially-conditioned doughs again?